Avengers Party: How to Throw a Quick Party Together

Avengers Party

The year was 2021. The world was slowly coming out of the funk of COVID-19. Birthday parties were a thing of the past. Oh, how I missed them! In order to make up for lost time, I decided we needed to have a summer of parties. Each kid was allowed to choose a theme and I would throw together a quick party for our family. Let me tell you, I had fun. They had fun. It was a good decision. One such party was the Avengers party.

Captain America Shield Cake

Throwing 4 parties in 2 1/2 months means simplifying. That doesn’t mean doing things halfway. It just so happens that Captain America has a shield that works perfectly for a cake. Make a round cake and put a star and some stripes on it. Boom! Done! Unfortunately, making red icing is always my downfall, but I care more for taste. Pink, white and blue is good enough for this family!

Avengers Party Games

Hulk Smash:

Simply set up a bunch of cups in a particular place (I chose our trampoline), give the kid some balls, and yell “Hulk, smash!”. The kid then can smash up the “city” for whatever amount of time you wish to allot. The kids really enjoyed this one.

Hawkeye’s Target Practice:

You can do this any number of ways. You can make a paper target that kids need to hit or hang a hoop somewhere like I did. The bow and arrow came from Five Below. Fortunately, we already had it on hand. The younger the kid, the closer he/she gets to stand to the target. I believe I gave them each 3 tries to get the arrow through the hoop.

Cap’s Shield Toss:

We happen to own Can Jam, but you can easily use a bin of sorts with some assorted frisbees. Each kid gets a frisbee and the object is to see who can get their frisbee into the container the fastest. They have to stand a certain distance from the goal or else it will be too easy.

The Avengers Party Piñata

In staying true to my goal for simplicity, Mjolnir fit the bill. A simple box for the main part, with a paper towel tube attached as the handle. Papier mâché those babies together and you get a pretty sturdy rendition of Thor’s hammer.

As an added bonus, you can make a quick Hella headpiece out of pipe cleaners on a headband. It helps the kids get into character as they attempt to destroy Thor’s hammer:)

So that’s it. Really quick and easy. Having a fun party doesn’t have to take a ton of time to prepare and it never needs to break the bank. Everyone had a blast, and it was a good way to make up for our lost party year.

Looking for more party ideas? Check out my Harry Potter party, or check the “Party Ideas” tab.

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